Crshd – A sex comedy movie

Crshd is an intercourse/adult comedy of the 2020. Debuted at Tribeca Film Festival. This inventive, female-driven intercourse comedy follows university freshman Izzy Alden (Isabelle Barbier) and her two first-class friends, Anuka (Deeksha Ketkar) and Fiona (Sadie Scott), as they embark on a trip to get Izzy to a “crush party” so she can lose her virginity earlier than the cease of the semester. The acclaimed function movie debut of writer/director Emily Cohn, CRSHD tells a hilarious, special story about navigating the messy ups and downs of lifestyles and love in the age of social media.

Crshd – Official Trailer

IMDB Rating: 6.7/10

Check out the teaser trailer below:

Plot:  On the final night time of her university freshman year, Izzy tries to lose her virginity with the assist of her two satisfactory friends–but their solely hope is getting into an exclusive, invite-only “Crush Party.”

Cast:  Isabelle BarbierSadie ScottDeeksha Ketkar

Production House: ESC Productions

Releasing Date:  30 April 2019 (USA)- (Tribeca Film Festival). Now Opens virtually May 8th 2020

Movie Reviews:  NA

Information Source: Youtube, IMDB

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