Yakshi – Short Film (Thriller)
Yakshi, a thriller Short Film, directed by Vijendra Bhambhani, shows off the normal consider on spirits. In the film song & sound given with the aid of Siddhardh Kaushik and edited by using Vignesh Jay. The cinematography is being managed by using Bablu Aju.
Yakshi – Short Film (Thriller)
Watch the full movie here below:
Plot: Rishi, a wandering photographer is caught in a small village due to an unexpected political protest. He is supplied a carry with the aid of a stranger who narrates the story of Yakshi, a demon in the cover of a damsel. They meet a mysterious female on the route which takes the plot to any other stage as the thriller unfolds.
Cast: Ashish Mohandas, Aniruddha Chavhan, Sandhya Sundaresan
Production House: Pocket Films
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