Adheen | Sanjay Mishra

Adheen, a nice short movie presented by Yash Verma starring Sanjay Mishra, Neeraj Purohit & Anupriya Goenka.

Adheen | Sanjay Mishra | Short Movie

Watch the full movie here below:

Plot:  Selfish or selfless, what is the definition of love in a family? The story progresses to contact upon homosexuality, monetary instability and a doable lifestyle of delinquency. Consequently, the contemporary scenario the characters have landed themselves in is fraught with anxiety and disagreements. However alternatively of constructing on it in a manner that should have led to a poignant narrative, the movie falls prey to sentimentalism and unconvincing plot developments. As unresolved anger simmers simply under the surface, threatening to erupt any moment, will the movie be capable to stay up to the expectations it has set at the start?

Cast:  Sanjay Mishra, Neeraj Purohit & Anupriya Goenka

Production House: Rah Rah Films

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